This is my first post on my new blog. As a meteorologist, I figured an appropriate name for the blog would be "Hot Air", although it really isn't very original. But I'll do originality later.
I plan to share my thoughts on the weather, or any other topics, as they arise. Feel free to comment as you wish, but try to keep all replies on-topic and non-threatening.
I plan to share my thoughts on the weather, or any other topics, as they arise. Feel free to comment as you wish, but try to keep all replies on-topic and non-threatening.
The aurora forms when charged particles from the sun interact with the upper atmosphere. They usually occur in polar regions, but when the sun is especially active they can occur at lower latitudes. The above aurora was observed over Wisconsin.
Here is a video that shows the danger of getting too close to a tornado. Note the rather unsettling way that it ends. It is rumored that the photographer was killed by the tornado, but this was never conclusively determined.